Saturday 26 March 2016

Grate Britain All-British Cheddar Crackers

I found this little 45g packet of Cheddar Crackers made by Artisan Biscuits Ltd of Ashbourne in Derbyshire on my Easyjet flight home from Geneva.

I thought they looked a little bit fabulous made, as they are, with freshly grated Wookey Hole Cave-Aged Cheddar. So they should be good.
Only I have to report that this is a not very cheesy snack.  The cheesiness is very subtle. It's nice. But subtle. And you have to pay attention. 

Now, when you're at altitude (eg on an Easyjet flight from Geneva) the sensitivity of your taste buds to sweet and salty foods is reduced by up to 30%. So I wonder had I opened the packet on the plane, would I have felt slightly conned? I'm not sure this is the ideal snack for a plane journey.

I  brought the packet home to photograph and scan (obviously) so I'm taste testing in the privacy of my own kitchen. Which is perhaps 60 feet above sea level. Or is that 60 metres? I can never remember. Anyhow, no loss of sensitivity here. But you do have to pay attention to the cheesiness. 

However, I happen to have some guacamole in the fridge and I can report that these crackers work extremely well in combination with the guacamole. Delicious. And the slightly hard crunch works very well with a dip.

The packets says We freshly grate or crumble real cheese for every batch we make. We don't use cheese powder or cheese flavour, because it is not the British thing to do. Finally, we had bake our crackers for a home-made taste. Grate Britain - the perfect nibble for 'drinkie-poos'.
We also learn about the Cheese: it's Real English Cheddar, hand-made in the West Country by Ford Farm. Wrapped in cloth for long maturing. Aged in the caves at Wookey Hole, Somerset. Its mellow deep flavour captured to put the Grate into Gate Britain.

I love the French name for these crackers: Très "British" - Crackers au Cheddar. Brilliant.


  1. Amazing all the different crisps you find! Reading this is making me hungry!

    1. And there are many many more out there just waiting to be discovered but to my sorrow I have never tried a Canadian crispy snack. The Chef's son lives in BC but he's not a good transporter of crisps. Somehow they always get left on the kitchen table when he comes home for a visit.
      Don't succumb to hunger: have a healthy snack.
