Friday 16 May 2014

Olu Olu Gourmet Green Plantain Chips

A dear and kind friend gave me this 60g packet of plantain chips back in December. And like the completely chicken fraidy cat that I am I have been shoving the bag to the bottom of my pending crisps bag ever since. However, this week I have tried both kale and beetroot crisps so why not try the plantain while I'm feeling brave?

It seems that Olu Olu Snackeries (great name!) make these plantain chips in Nigeria and then they are marketed by United Tastes of Africa Inc, based in New Jersey, and Yem Yom Ventures (UK) Ltd based in London. Or they might be made by Uplands Flour Mills (Nigeria) Ltd and marketed by Olu Olu Snackeries. It's hard to say.

And the ingredients are green plantain, banane-plantaine (which sounds like the same thing but in french), vegetable oil and salt. So, 100% natural ingredients with no artificial flavours and no artificial preservatives. And made in Nigeria.

But wait! Right down at the bottom below the best before date, almost obscured by the crimped closey bit, the bag also says product of Colombia. So now I'm totally confused. Colombia? Why would a Nigerian firm get their products made in South America?

The chips certainly look like plantain. At least, I never knowingly ate plantain but they certainly look like deep fried slices of giant banana as you can see from the photograph. So I'm guessing that's what plantain looks like. There is a faint taste of ever so slightly salty banana. And a big taste of cooking oil. Quite a hard dull crunch, and it is a pity that so many of the chips are broken. Perhaps that is bound to happen if you import chips from Colombia via Nigeria.

These chips are a tropical gourmet treat. Hand cooked to perfection with a distinctive tantalising flavour. Hum.  I've got to admit I'm not mad keen on these plantain chips. For me they are an acquired taste. Which I have yet to acquire. So. Very sorry kind friend but these are not for me.

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