Saturday 22 February 2020

Carrefour Crêpettes Fourrage au Roquefort

Here's an own brand crispy snack from massive French supermarket Carrefour. It's a fine and crispy pastry (sort of) wrap with squashy Roquefort cheese stuffing. And it reminds me of the 1970s favourite Findus Crispy Pancakes which are now made by Birds Eye. You bought a packet of small frozen crispy pancakes and whipped one or two out of the freezer in case of emergency, then struggled to eat them because, once fried or grilled, the stuffing was as boiling as boiling could be. Naff, and I'm sure not at all healthy, these easily cooked 70s snacks were something even my brother could cook up in the school holidays if he wanted something more sustaining than breakfast cereal while my mother was at work.

Of course, this little snack is miles smaller, and you don't have to cook it. More perhaps like a miniature spring roll. But there is a sort of a link with the cheesy pancakes which the Chef identified quite independently. So not just me for a change.

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