Friday 29 May 2020

Tayto Snax Potato Puffs Cheese & Onion (Republic of Ireland)

Cliffs of Moher Taste Tester tells me that one of her favourite Irish snacks is Tayto Snax Smokey Bacon. Unfortunately the Chef and I can’t tell you what we think of that because Cliffs of Moher sent us a packet of Cheese & Onion flavour instead. But you know I’m not complaining, because it was super kind of her to send us such a fun present while we are all in lockdown.
I was very pleased when I opened the packet because I thought we were going to be taste testing a crispy snack akin to the fabulous UK snack Quavers. But not so.

A bit too pale, the wrong texture - too fine, and the bubbles aren’t big enough  - the bubbles are important. And of course because we are such huge fans of Quavers, the Cheese & Onion flavour didn’t seem quite right. But worst of all, the bite is too soft.

So, very sorry but I wasn’t impressed. I don’t know why I found this such a disappointing crispy snack. Sometimes it’s impossible to say. And I can tell the Chef wasn’t impressed either because the bowl of snacks remained full: he’s so greedy if he likes something it’s gone in a flash!

However, apparently while this crispy snack didn’t work as a lunchtime snack for the Chef, he was much more interested post his pre-dinner shower. And I think started enjoying his snacking. In the end he ate quite a lot.

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