Thursday 2 April 2020

Gran Pavesi le Sfoglie Classiche

Here’s another crispy snack from our little local Co-op in Switzerland. It’s a crispy Italian cracker for serving a fancy apéro snack... or for dipping in my handy homemade sour cream and chive dip (see the previous post).

Not a lot of taste apart from a faint air of water biscuit: a harder bite than that and a hearty satisfying crunch. But they do taste good with the dip. I’m sure if I could be bothered to decorate one of these crackers with a slice of cucumber, some salmon mousse and a caper that would work pretty well too. Although I don’t fancy salmon mousse, and the Chef won’t eat capers (he’s so picky!) so we might swap out (as they say these days), or perhaps change up, our own choice of ingredients.

I wonder how they make the not quite square shapes come out apparently random?


  1. Hi Georgina! Success on the comment you left! Thank you. Nice to hear from you again. I hope all is well with you. Commenting has been a challenge all over. Glad you are operating better these days.

    1. I kept trying to fix the problem but so often with online advice it took me ages to find a fix I understood. Good to hear from you.

  2. I simply cannot belive the number of different types of crisps you find!

    1. If I really worked at it there would be so many more!
