Sunday 5 January 2020

Long Chips Crispy Potato Snack Sour Cream & Dill

What an unusual looking crispy snack. It looks a bit like lasagna: it's 7.5" or 90mm long for goodness sake with almost perforations so you can break it into four pieces, it's labelled principally in English and is made in Latvia. Our first snack from Latvia.

And (and this seems so weird to me) I found it at Geneva Airport which is of course in Switzerland. Swiss crisp giant Zweifel make the most wonderful crisps and crispy snacks but I don’t ever remember seeing their products for sale (airside) at Geneva Airport. I have, though, seen a number of British crisps (and not what I think of as the better British crisps - sorry guys), and now one from Latvia.

This is another crispy snack I tried out on Tractor Fan Taste Tester and the Ski Instructor. They couldn't quite pick the flavour but guessed sour cream and chive. I could tell the flavour wasn't chive, but the dill flavour was so fugitive as to be almost not there at all (although I felt there was a bit of washing up liquid in the mix). This is a bit of a shame.

Partly because I actually love dill and was excited to try a new dill-flavoured snack which are few and far between (but try Eat Real Hummus Chips) which the reluctant taste testers really enjoyed. And that's not what I felt I got; there isn't really very much taste at all. And partly because this snack was on sale airside so you might be eating it on the plane where your tastebuds don't work as well as they do on the ground, so really you need a lot more taste than you get here.

It's fun to try a crispy snack that looks completely different from any other the reluctant taste testers have ever seen. So if you see a packet give it a try and prove my opinion wrong. Although Tractor Fan ate quite a lot of the packet. No wonder she had no room for pudding.
This is the side view of the packet: an image of the internal plastic tray with the crispy snacks in it. Exactly how it looks when you open the pack.

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