Sunday 23 July 2023

Thaas Chips Oignon de la ferme


Oh dear, what a disappointment.

A new French crisp company, Thaas, that I hadn’t come across before, onion flavoured crisps - again, not a flavour I have come across before. They also do lemon flavour crisps (not available to buy the day we visited the Carrefour outside Reims) but…. What, we ask ourselves, is not to like? 

Thaas crisps are grown in a place called Thaas, pronounced “ta”, the packet tells us so, in the Marne which is in north east France. Two brothers, Manu and David, run the farm, and grow their own potatoes, and the onions too. By the sound of things anyway. At any rate I think they grow and process the potatoes themselves.

Well, I am extremely sorry to report that I was not very excited by this packet of crisps. I would love to tell you that they’re great, but to be honest I am not that impressed and nor is the Chef. Too thick cut, with a dull crunch (I would much prefer a crisp bite), and most importantly, they don’t taste of onions. Oh dear, oh dear.

I was hoping for a great new crisp from a company I hadn’t seen before. I was hoping for a lovely crispy onion flavoured snack. But this heavy crisp doesn’t taste of much except, I don’t know, some sort of default crispy snack flavour. Certainly not onions. I wish I could give you better news.

The Chef, of course, although he’s not too impressed, continues to snack anyway.

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